by | May 21, 2024

Foundation Repair: Top 5 Best Contractors of 2024



Foundation repair is crucial for homeowners who value the stability and safety of their property. Ignoring the early signs of foundation issues can lead to more severe problems down the line. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Identifying foundation problems early: Look for cracks, water intrusion, and doors or windows that don’t operate smoothly.
  • Seeking professional help: Engage a qualified contractor to assess and fix the issues promptly.
  • Choosing the right repair method: Options include steel piers, helical piers, concrete piles, and more.

Your home’s foundation is the bedrock upon which everything else rests. Ensuring its stability is not just about maintaining property value; it’s also about the safety and comfort of your living space. A professional service can deliver long-lasting repairs, tailored to the specific needs of your foundation.

Infographic summarizing key points on foundation repair - foundation repair infographic pillar-3-steps

Identifying Foundation Problems

Spotting foundation problems early can save you a lot of money and stress. Here are some common signs to look out for:


Cracks in your foundation are often the first sign of trouble. These can appear in various forms:
Vertical cracks: Typically due to settling.
Horizontal cracks: Often indicate pressure from the soil.
Stair-step cracks: Follow the mortar joints and can be caused by lateral stress.

Water Intrusion

Water infiltration is a serious issue. Look for damp spots, mold, or standing water in your basement or crawl space. This can lead to:
Moisture issues: Dampness can damage your belongings and promote mold growth.
Structural weakness: Water can erode your foundation over time.

Doors Not Closing

If your doors are suddenly difficult to close, it might be a sign that your foundation is shifting. This usually happens because:
Foundation settling: Causes the frame to become misaligned.
Structural movement: Leads to uneven floors.

Windows Sticking

Windows that stick or don’t open smoothly can indicate foundation problems. This is due to:
Frame warping: Caused by foundation movement.
Pressure changes: Affecting the window’s alignment.

Gaps in Trim

Gaps between your walls and trim or ceiling can be a telltale sign of foundation issues. These gaps occur because:
Shifting foundation: Causes the walls to move.
Separation: Between different parts of the house structure.

Professional Assessment

If you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to get a professional assessment. Experts can:
Evaluate the severity: Determine how serious the problem is.
Recommend solutions: Tailor the best repair method for your situation.

A professional assessment ensures that you’re not just treating the symptoms but addressing the root cause of the issue. This can save you from more severe problems down the line.

foundation cracks - foundation repair

Top 5 Foundation Repair Methods

When it comes to foundation repair, choosing the right method can make all the difference. Here are the top five methods to consider:

Steel Piers

Steel piers are a long-term solution for stabilizing your foundation. Galvanized steel posts are driven deep into the ground until they reach bedrock or sufficiently compact soil. This method is highly effective but also one of the most costly.

  • Best for: Severe foundation issues where maximum stability is needed.
  • Cost: $15,000 to $25,000 on average per job.
  • Pros: Permanent solution, works in almost any soil condition.
  • Cons: Expensive, requires skilled labor.

Helical Piers

Helical piers are similar to steel piers but have a screw-like design that allows them to be twisted into the ground. They don’t need to reach bedrock, making them suitable for areas with heavy, compact soil.

  • Best for: Foundations on less compact load-bearing soil.
  • Cost: Varies, but generally less expensive than steel piers.
  • Pros: Permanent solution, quicker installation.
  • Cons: May not be suitable for all soil types.

Concrete Piles

Concrete piles are pre-cured blocks or cylinders of concrete placed under the foundation. They are a lower-cost alternative to steel piers but depend heavily on soil conditions.

  • Best for: Homes where soil conditions are stable and compact.
  • Cost: Generally cheaper than steel or helical piers.
  • Pros: Cost-effective, long-term solution.
  • Cons: Not suitable for all soil types, less adaptable than steel piers.

Slab Jacking

Slab jacking involves drilling holes in the concrete slab and injecting a concrete slurry or polyurethane foam underneath to lift and level the slab. It’s commonly used for driveways, sidewalks, and garage floors.

  • Best for: Minor leveling issues with concrete slabs.
  • Cost: $900 to $7,500 depending on the size of the area.
  • Pros: Less invasive, cost-effective.
  • Cons: May require multiple applications, not suitable for severe issues.


Shimming involves placing steel shims between the foundation and the home’s structure to fill gaps caused by settling soil. It’s often used as a temporary solution while planning more extensive repairs.

  • Best for: Temporary fixes or minor settling issues.
  • Cost: Generally lower than other methods.
  • Pros: Quick and easy, cost-effective.
  • Cons: Temporary, may need repeated adjustments.

Each method has its pros and cons, and the best choice depends on your specific situation. Always consult with a professional to determine the most suitable method for your home.

Steel Piers

Steel piers are often considered the gold standard in foundation repair. They provide a long-term solution to stabilize homes suffering from significant settling issues.

What Are Steel Piers?

Steel piers are galvanized steel posts driven deep into the ground beneath your foundation. The goal is to reach bedrock or highly compacted soil, ensuring the foundation has a stable base.

How Do They Work?

  1. Installation: Galvanized steel posts are driven into the ground using hydraulic machinery. These posts can go as deep as necessary to find stable soil or bedrock.
  2. Support: Once the piers reach stable ground, they provide a robust support system for the foundation, preventing further settling.


  • Durability: Steel piers are incredibly strong and can carry massive amounts of weight.
  • Versatility: They work in almost any soil condition.
  • Permanence: Considered a permanent fix, they offer peace of mind for homeowners.


Steel pier installation is one of the more expensive foundation repair methods. The cost can range from $15,000 to $25,000 for a typical home, with each pier costing about $1,500. However, this investment is often worth it for the long-term stability they provide.

Is It Right for You?

Steel piers are ideal for homes with severe foundation issues. If you notice symptoms like cracks in basement walls, malfunctioning doors and windows, or leaking in your basement, steel piers might be your best bet.

Always consult a professional to assess your specific situation and determine if steel piers are the right solution for your foundation repair needs.

Helical Piers

Helical piers are a popular and effective method for foundation repair, especially in areas with heavy soil. These piers are made of galvanized steel and have a unique screw-like design that allows them to be twisted deep into the ground.

How They Work

Helical piers have a helically-shaped leading point that resembles a screw or auger. This design helps the pier pull itself deeper into the ground when turned by large machinery. They are drilled into the soil until they reach a layer dense enough to support the weight of the house.

Installation Process

Installing helical piers requires specialized equipment. A helical drive attachment for hydraulic rams is used to screw the piers deep into the ground. This method is less invasive compared to other foundation repair techniques, as it involves minimal digging and less cleanup.

Cost and Considerations

Repairing a foundation with helical piers generally starts at around $24,000 for an average home. Each pier costs between $1,500-2,500. Most homes require 8-10 piers, so the total cost can range from $31,500 to higher, depending on the depth and number of piers needed.

The cost may also include labor and installation fees, which can add another $1,000-1,500 per pier. While this method is more expensive than traditional steel piers, it offers several advantages:

  • Precision: The screw-like design allows for precise placement and depth control.
  • Versatility: They can be installed in various configurations, including horizontal or multiple layers.
  • Less Disruption: Less digging means the installation can proceed even during inclement weather.
  • Depth: Helical piers can reach depths of up to 28 feet without additional segments.

Is It Right for You?

Helical piers are excellent for homes with heavy soil conditions and those needing deep foundation support. If your home shows signs of severe foundation issues, such as sinking or bulging walls, helical piers might be the solution you need.

Consult a foundation repair expert to determine if helical piers are the right choice for your home.

Concrete Piles

Concrete piles are a popular foundation repair method due to their cost-effectiveness and versatility. Let’s break down what they are, the conditions they work best in, their costs, and how they are installed.

What Are Concrete Piles?

Concrete piles are pre-cured concrete blocks or cylinders. They can vary in size, from several inches to many feet long and thick. These piles are driven or placed beneath the foundation into compacted soil.

Soil Conditions

The suitability of concrete piles depends heavily on the soil conditions beneath your home. They are most effective in stable, compacted soils. If the soil is too loose or prone to shifting, other methods like steel or helical piers might be more appropriate.


Concrete piles are a lower-cost alternative to steel piers. The cost can vary based on the size and number of piles needed. However, they generally offer a more affordable solution for foundation repair, making them a popular choice for homeowners on a budget.


The installation of concrete piles involves several steps:

  1. Excavation: A large hole is dug beneath the foundation.
  2. Placement: Pre-cured concrete piles are placed into the hole. This can be a single piece or multiple pieces stacked together.
  3. Compaction: The soil around the piles is compacted to ensure stability.
  4. Attachment: Once in place, the piles are attached to the foundation to provide support.

Concrete piles can be poured in place or pre-made and transported to the site. Poured concrete piles involve filling the hole with wet concrete and allowing it to cure before attaching it to the home. This can take longer but offers flexibility in shaping the piles to provide increased support.

Is It Right for You?

Concrete piles are ideal for homes with stable soil conditions and a need for a cost-effective foundation repair solution. They may not be suitable for areas with high water levels or frequent flooding, which can erode the piles over time.

Consult a foundation repair expert to determine if concrete piles are the right choice for your home. They can assess the soil conditions and recommend the best method to ensure your foundation remains stable and secure.

Slab Jacking

Slab jacking is a versatile and cost-effective method for lifting and stabilizing sinking concrete slabs. This technique involves drilling small holes into the affected area and injecting a lifting material underneath.

Concrete Slurry

One common material used in slab jacking is a concrete slurry. This mixture of cement, topsoil, and water is pumped into the drilled holes. As the slurry fills the voids beneath the slab, it lifts and supports the concrete.

Pros of Concrete Slurry:
Cost-Effective: Mudjacking with concrete slurry is generally cheaper, especially for larger projects. For example, a driveway with two concrete panels might cost around $700, whereas a full 3-car driveway repair could be around $3,200.
Easier Control: The slurry is easier to control during pumping, allowing for precise adjustments.

Cons of Concrete Slurry:
Temporary Solution: Concrete slurry can break down over time due to moisture and extreme temperatures. Many repairs may need to be repeated in 2-5 years.

Polyurethane Foam

Alternatively, polyurethane foam is another material used in slab jacking, known as polyjacking. This expanding foam is injected through small holes and hardens quickly to lift the slab.

Pros of Polyurethane Foam:
Quick Setting: Polyurethane foam hardens rapidly, making it ideal for emergency repairs.
Durability: The foam is hydrophobic and adheres to the foundation, providing a longer-lasting solution compared to concrete slurry. For instance, a polyjacked driveway is less likely to sink again than one repaired with mudjacking.
Less Invasive: Smaller drill holes are required, and the process is less disruptive.

Cons of Polyurethane Foam:
Higher Cost: Polyjacking can be more expensive, with costs ranging from $900 to $7,500 depending on the extent of the damage. For example, a multi-car driveway repair could cost up to $7,500.


Slab jacking is suitable for various applications, including:

  • Driveways: It’s commonly used to lift sinking driveways, whether using concrete slurry or polyurethane foam.
  • Sidewalks: Sagging sidewalks can be leveled to prevent tripping hazards.
  • Garage Floors: Uneven garage floors can be stabilized, ensuring a smooth surface.
  • Patios and Pool Decks: Outdoor areas can be lifted and leveled to enhance safety and aesthetics.


The cost of slab jacking depends on several factors, such as the size of the area, the material used, and the extent of the damage. While mudjacking with concrete slurry is more budget-friendly for larger projects, polyjacking with polyurethane foam offers a more durable solution but at a higher price.

For homeowners needing a quick and inexpensive repair, mudjacking is a viable option. However, for a longer-lasting solution, polyjacking might be the better choice despite the higher initial cost.

Next, we’ll explore Shimming, another technique used for foundation repair that involves filling gaps with steel shims to reestablish support.


Shimming is a foundation repair method that involves inserting steel shims to fill gaps and reestablish support. This technique is often used when the soil beneath a home has settled or eroded, causing gaps between the foundation and the home’s structure.

Steel Shims

Steel shims are small, sturdy pieces of metal that are placed between the foundation and the structure of the home. These shims are designed to bear significant weight and provide a stable support system. They are particularly useful in situations where minor adjustments are needed to correct uneven settling.

Soil Conditions

The effectiveness of shimming largely depends on the soil conditions. If the soil beneath your home continues to settle or erode, the gaps may reappear, necessitating further repairs. In such cases, shimming might only serve as a temporary solution. However, if the soil stops settling, shimming can be a long-term fix.

Temporary Solution

While shimming can offer a quick fix, it is often considered a temporary solution. If gaps reappear, it may indicate the need for more invasive and permanent repairs, such as underpinning or piering. Homeowners should monitor their foundation closely and consult with a foundation expert to determine the best course of action.


The cost of shimming varies depending on the extent of the gaps and the number of shims required. On average, homeowners can expect to pay between $500 and $1,300 for this type of repair. This makes shimming a cost-effective option for minor foundation adjustments, but it may not be suitable for more severe issues.

Next, we’ll delve into the Foundation Repair Costs, breaking down the factors that influence the overall expense of various foundation repair methods.

Foundation Repair Costs

When it comes to foundation repair, understanding the costs involved is crucial. The average cost for foundation repair in 2024 is around $5,017, but it can range from $2,180 to $7,854. Several factors influence this cost, and we’ll break them down for you.

Factors Affecting Foundation Repair Costs

Foundation Type

The type of foundation your home has significantly impacts the repair cost. Different foundations require different materials and repair methods:

  • Basement: $2,300–$7,600
  • Concrete Slab: $350–$20,000
  • Cinder Block and Brick: $350–$25,000
  • Pier and Beam: $750–$25,000
  • Stem Wall: $350–$20,000

Home Size

Larger homes typically have larger foundations, which means more materials and labor are needed. The cost per square foot ranges from $1.50 to $12. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • 500 sq. ft.: $750–$6,000
  • 1,000 sq. ft.: $1,500–$12,000
  • 1,500 sq. ft.: $2,250–$18,000
  • 2,000 sq. ft.: $3,000–$24,000
  • 3,000 sq. ft.: $4,500–$36,000

Soil Stability

Soil stability affects how your foundation settles over time. Unstable soil can lead to more extensive repairs. A professional soil report can help identify the root cause of foundation issues and guide the repair process.

Severity of the Issue

The extent of the damage plays a major role in determining repair costs. Minor cracks may only require simple fixes, while severe issues like bowed walls or significant settling can be much more expensive to address.

Type of Repair

Different repair methods come with varying costs. For example:

  • Steel Piering: $15,000–$25,000
  • Helical Piers: Costs vary based on soil conditions and depth required
  • Concrete Piles: Depends on soil conditions and installation complexity
  • Slab Jacking: Typically less expensive, but costs depend on the materials used
  • Shimming: $500–$1,300

Accessibility and Location

The ease of accessing the damaged area and the location of the home can also impact costs. Homes in remote areas or those with difficult-to-reach foundations may incur higher labor and transportation fees.

Permits and Inspections

Permits and inspections are often necessary for foundation repairs and can add to the overall cost. Permit fees vary by location but can be up to several thousand dollars.

Materials and Labor

The cost of materials and labor is another important factor. High-quality materials and skilled labor can increase the cost but also ensure a more durable and long-lasting repair.

Understanding these factors can help you budget more effectively for your foundation repair needs. Next, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about foundation repair to help you make informed decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions about Foundation Repair

Can the foundation of a house be fixed?

Yes, the foundation of a house can be fixed. Structural engineers play a crucial role in diagnosing and planning the repair. They assess the damage and recommend the best solution, whether it’s mudjacking, steel piers, or wall anchors.

  • Mudjacking involves lifting a sunken foundation by pumping a concrete slurry beneath it. It’s effective for minor settling.
  • Steel piers are driven deep into stable soil or bedrock to provide strong support. This method is often used for severe settling.
  • Wall anchors stabilize bowing or bulging walls by anchoring them to the surrounding soil.

Does foundation repair really work?

Yes, foundation repair can be a permanent solution if done correctly. Methods like steel piers and helical piers are designed to last a lifetime. However, the success of the repair depends on several factors, including soil conditions and the quality of the work.

Potential issues can arise if the underlying cause of the problem, such as poor drainage or expansive soil, is not addressed. Regular maintenance and monitoring can help ensure the longevity of the repair.

Can a foundation be unfixable?

In rare cases, a foundation may be unfixable. Water pressure and bulging walls can cause significant damage. If the soil beneath the foundation continues to shift or erode, even the best repair methods might not hold.

Signs that a foundation might be beyond repair include:

  • Severe cracks that keep widening
  • Extensive water damage
  • Continuous sinking despite previous repairs

In such cases, it’s essential to consult with a structural engineer to assess the repairability of the foundation. They can provide expert advice on whether repair is feasible or if rebuilding is a better option.


At Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping, we understand the importance of a solid foundation for your home. Our professional services are designed to address and fix any foundation issues, ensuring your home remains safe and stable.

Our team takes pride in delivering high-quality results. We use state-of-the-art equipment and the latest techniques to provide long-lasting solutions. Whether it’s installing steel piers, helical piers, or performing slab jacking, we ensure the job is done right the first time.

One of the key strengths of our company is our skilled team. Each member brings expertise and dedication to every project. We believe in continuous training and staying updated with industry standards to deliver the best possible service to our clients.

Moreover, owner oversight ensures that every project meets our high standards. Our commitment to excellence means that you can trust us to handle your foundation repair needs with professionalism and care.

For more information or to schedule an assessment, visit our Foundation Repair Services page or call us at 781-933-4157. Let us help you secure your home’s foundation and provide the peace of mind you deserve.


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