by | Jun 21, 2024

Concrete Patio Installation Contractors: Top 5 Expert Tips


The Importance of Expert Concrete Patio Installation

When it comes to enhancing your outdoor living space, hiring concrete patio installation contractors can make all the difference. The process involves not just pouring concrete but meticulous planning, design, and execution to ensure you get a functional, stylish, and durable patio.

Quick Takeaways:
Expertise matters: Qualified contractors offer custom designs, proper site preparation, and flawless execution.
Aesthetic and functional value: A well-installed patio complements your home and enhances its usability.
Long-term benefits: High-quality materials and professional installation ensure durability and minimal maintenance.

I’m Joe Gerrior, owner of Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping. With over 34 years in the masonry and landscaping industry, I specialize in creating top-quality concrete patios that stand the test of time and elevate your outdoor living experience.

Next, we’ll dive into how to choose the right contractor for the job to ensure you get a patio that is both beautiful and built to last.

Checklist for choosing concrete patio contractors - concrete patio installation contractors infographic infographic-line-5-steps

Choosing the Right Concrete Patio Installation Contractors

Selecting the right concrete patio installation contractors can make or break your project. Here, we’ll cover why local experience matters and how to evaluate a contractor’s track record.

Importance of Local Experience

Local experience is crucial for a few reasons. First, contractors familiar with your area understand the climate considerations. For example, in Louisville, KY, the freeze-thaw cycles can impact concrete durability. A contractor with local expertise will know how to mitigate these effects.

Local regulations are another key factor. Each area has specific building codes and permit requirements. Contractors with local knowledge ensure your project complies with all regulations, avoiding costly delays or fines.

local construction site - concrete patio installation contractors

Evaluating Contractor Track Record

A contractor’s track record is a reliable indicator of their ability to deliver quality work. Here are some things to look for:

Past Projects

Ask for a portfolio of past projects. This gives you a visual idea of the contractor’s style and quality. For instance, Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping has a diverse portfolio showcasing various concrete patio designs.

Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials provide insights into a contractor’s reliability and professionalism. Positive reviews often highlight attention to detail and customer satisfaction. One Louisville customer said, “They paid attention to detail throughout, taking care in my property and seeding/straw areas that were driven over by heavy equipment necessary to do the job.”

Industry Reputation

A good reputation in the industry is hard to earn and easy to lose. Check if the contractor is recognized by industry associations or has received awards. This often indicates a commitment to quality and professionalism.

In summary, choosing the right concrete patio installation contractors involves considering local experience, evaluating their track record, and paying attention to customer feedback and industry reputation.

Next, we’ll discuss how to plan your concrete patio to ensure it meets your needs and fits perfectly in your outdoor space.

Planning Your Concrete Patio

Designing your concrete patio involves more than just picking a spot in your backyard. It’s about creating a space that complements your home, fits your lifestyle, and stands the test of time.

Selecting the Right Design

When it comes to concrete patios, you have several design options to choose from:

  • Stamped Concrete: This technique allows you to mimic the look of natural stone, brick, or even wood, without the high cost. Stamped concrete offers a variety of patterns and textures, providing a high-end look that’s both durable and affordable.
  • Colored Concrete: Adding color to your concrete can make your patio blend seamlessly with your home’s exterior or stand out as a focal point. You can choose from a wide range of hues to match your style.
  • Exposed Aggregate: This design exposes the small stones or gravel within the concrete, giving it a textured, decorative finish. It’s a great option for a non-slip surface that looks unique and sophisticated.

Size and Placement Considerations

The size and placement of your patio play a crucial role in its functionality and aesthetics.

Functionality: Think about how you plan to use the patio. Will it be a dining area, a space for lounging, or perhaps a spot for a fire pit? The intended use will dictate the size and layout. For instance, a dining area will need more space than a small seating nook.

Aesthetics: Your patio should complement the overall look of your property. A well-designed patio can enhance your home’s exterior and increase its value. Consider the style of your house and garden when choosing the design elements.

Property Layout: The location of your patio should take into account the natural flow of your outdoor space. It should be easily accessible from your home and other outdoor areas. Also, consider the sun and shade patterns throughout the day to maximize comfort.

A well-planned patio not only looks great but also meets your practical needs. Whether you opt for the elegance of stamped concrete, the vibrant look of colored concrete, or the unique texture of exposed aggregate, make sure it fits your lifestyle and enhances your outdoor living space.

Preparing for Installation

Importance of Proper Site Preparation

Proper site preparation is the foundation for a durable and functional concrete patio. Here’s why it matters:

Drainage: Good drainage prevents water from pooling on your patio, which can lead to cracks and damage. Our team assesses your yard’s natural slope and installs the patio with a slight incline to facilitate water runoff. In areas with heavy rainfall, we might incorporate French drains or channel drains for extra protection.

Leveling: A level base is crucial for the stability of your patio. Uneven surfaces can cause water to pool and materials to shift. We ensure the ground is flat and compacted before any concrete is poured. This step is essential to avoid future problems.

Access: Easy access to the site is important for both construction and future use. We clear the area of vegetation, rocks, and debris to create a clean slate. This also includes planning for any equipment that might need to enter the space during construction.

Choosing Quality Materials

Selecting the right materials ensures your patio is both beautiful and long-lasting. Here are key considerations:

Durability: Concrete is known for its strength and longevity. However, the quality of the mix and additives used can impact its performance. We use high-quality materials from reputable suppliers to ensure your patio withstands the test of time.

Aesthetics: The look of your patio is just as important as its functionality. We offer various options, such as stamped concrete, colored concrete, and exposed aggregate, to match your style. Stamped concrete can mimic the appearance of natural stone, giving you a high-end look without the high-end price.

Maintenance: Low-maintenance materials save you time and effort. Concrete patios are relatively easy to care for, but choosing the right sealants and finishes can make them even more durable and resistant to stains. We recommend sealing your patio every few years to protect it from the elements.

By focusing on proper site preparation and selecting quality materials, we ensure your concrete patio is a valuable addition to your outdoor space. This meticulous approach not only enhances the beauty of your patio but also its functionality and longevity.

Installation Process for Concrete Patios

Laying the Foundation

Creating a durable and beautiful concrete patio starts with a strong foundation. Here’s a step-by-step guide to laying the foundation:

  1. Excavation: The first step is to excavate the area where the patio will be installed. This involves removing grass, soil, and any debris to create a clean slate. The depth of the excavation typically ranges from 6 to 8 inches, depending on the soil type and the desired patio thickness.
  2. Framing: Once the area is excavated, wooden forms are placed around the perimeter. These forms act as molds to shape the concrete. They need to be level and securely anchored to prevent shifting during the pour.
  3. Sub-base Preparation: A layer of gravel or crushed stone is added to the excavated area. This sub-base provides stability and aids in drainage. It’s crucial to compact this layer well to avoid future settling.
  4. Reinforcement: Steel rebar or wire mesh is then placed within the forms. This reinforcement helps the concrete withstand tension and prevents cracking.
  5. Pouring Concrete: The concrete mix is poured into the forms, starting from one end and working towards the other. It’s essential to pour continuously to avoid cold joints, which can weaken the structure.
  6. Leveling: After pouring, the concrete is leveled using a screed—a long, straight board that smooths the surface. This step ensures the concrete is evenly distributed and level.
  7. Floating: A bull float is used to further smooth the surface and push down any aggregate just below the surface. This step helps prepare the concrete for finishing.

Finishing Techniques

Once the foundation is laid, the finishing techniques bring the patio to life:

  1. Texturing: While the concrete is still wet, various tools can be used to add texture. Brooms, trowels, or specialized stamps can create different patterns and finishes. Texturing not only adds aesthetic appeal but also provides slip resistance.
  2. Stamping: Stamped concrete is a popular technique where patterns are imprinted into the concrete to mimic the look of stone, brick, or wood. This is done using large rubber stamps that are pressed into the wet concrete.

“Louisville Stamped Concrete & More was the only company that truly listened to my desires and made sure to explain all possible options. The concrete work was everything I was hoping for and more.” – Cathy M

  1. Coloring: There are several methods to add color to concrete. Integral coloring involves mixing the color into the concrete before pouring. Surface-applied colorants, such as acid stains or dyes, can be applied after the concrete is placed.
  2. Curing Time: Proper curing is vital for the strength and durability of the concrete. After finishing, the concrete must be kept moist for several days. This can be achieved by covering it with plastic sheeting or using a curing compound. The complete curing process can take up to 28 days, but the patio is usually usable after a week.

By following these steps and techniques, concrete patio installation contractors can ensure a high-quality finish that will last for years. Proper attention to detail during each phase of the installation process is crucial for creating a patio that is both beautiful and functional.

Maintaining Your Concrete Patio

Proper maintenance is key to ensuring your concrete patio remains beautiful and functional for years. Let’s dive into some essential tips and techniques.

Routine Maintenance Tips

Cleaning Methods

Regular cleaning is a must. For basic cleaning, a simple detergent and water solution works well. Use a stiff-bristle brush to scrub the surface and rinse with a garden hose. For tougher stains, consider a mixture of vinegar and water or oxygen bleach.

Sealing Intervals

Sealing your patio helps protect it from moisture, stains, and wear. It’s recommended to reseal your concrete patio every 2-3 years. This interval can vary depending on the amount of foot traffic and weather exposure.

Handling Repairs and Upkeep

Crack Filling

Cracks can develop over time due to settling or temperature changes. Early detection and repair are crucial. Use a concrete patching compound to fill small cracks. For larger cracks, you might need a professional to ensure the repair blends seamlessly with the rest of the patio.


If your patio has extensive wear or multiple cracks, resurfacing might be the best option. This involves applying a new layer of concrete over the existing surface. Resurfacing can also refresh the look of your patio and extend its lifespan.

Color Restoration

Over time, the color of your stained or stamped concrete patio may fade. To restore its original vibrancy, consider applying a concrete stain or dye. Make sure to clean and seal the patio after applying the color to protect the new finish.

By following these maintenance tips, you can keep your concrete patio looking great and functioning well for many years. Regular upkeep not only preserves the aesthetic appeal but also ensures the structural integrity of your outdoor space.

Next, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about concrete patio installation to help you make informed decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions about Concrete Patio Installation

What is the best time of year to install a concrete patio?

The ideal time for installing a concrete patio is during the spring or fall. These seasons typically offer moderate temperatures and minimal rainfall, which are perfect conditions for concrete curing.


  • Temperature: Concrete sets best between 50°F and 70°F. Extreme heat can cause it to dry too quickly, leading to cracks. Cold weather can slow down the curing process, making the concrete weaker.
  • Rain: Too much moisture can interfere with the curing process. Spring and fall usually have more predictable weather patterns, reducing the risk of sudden downpours.

How long does it take for a concrete patio to cure?

Concrete takes about 28 days to fully cure, but you can walk on it after 24 to 48 hours and place heavy objects after 7 days.

Breakdown of the curing stages:

  • Initial Set (24-48 hours): The concrete hardens enough to support light foot traffic.
  • Early Strength (7 days): At this point, the concrete reaches about 70% of its final strength, allowing for heavier usage.
  • Full Cure (28 days): The concrete achieves its full strength and durability.

Can I install a concrete patio myself?

While it’s possible to DIY a concrete patio, it’s generally not recommended unless you have prior experience with concrete work. Here are some factors to consider:

Pros of DIY:

  • Cost Savings: You can save on labor costs.
  • Flexibility: You have full control over the schedule and design.

Cons of DIY:

  • Skill Level: Proper installation requires knowledge of site preparation, concrete mixing, and finishing techniques.
  • Tools and Equipment: You’ll need specialized tools like a concrete mixer, trowels, and stamps, which can be costly to rent or buy.
  • Risk of Mistakes: Errors in mixing, pouring, or curing can lead to cracks, uneven surfaces, and other issues that are expensive to fix.

For most homeowners, hiring professional concrete patio installation contractors is the best option. They bring expertise, tools, and a guarantee of quality, ensuring your patio is both beautiful and durable.


Investing in a concrete patio is not just about adding a functional space to your home; it’s about enhancing your outdoor living experience and increasing your property’s value. A well-designed and expertly installed patio can transform your backyard into a vibrant area for relaxation, entertainment, and family gatherings.

Long-term Value

A concrete patio is a long-term investment that offers impressive durability and low maintenance. With proper care, a concrete patio can last for decades, providing a solid return on investment. Unlike other materials, concrete withstands extreme weather conditions and heavy use, making it an ideal choice for outdoor spaces.

Enhancement of Outdoor Space

A custom-designed concrete patio enhances the beauty and functionality of your outdoor area. Whether you prefer a sleek modern look or a rustic, natural finish, the design possibilities are endless. Features like stamped or colored concrete can mimic more expensive materials, offering a luxurious appearance without the hefty price tag.

Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping

At Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping, we are committed to turning your dream patio into a reality. Our experienced team focuses on every detail, from the initial design to the final touches, ensuring a seamless and satisfying experience. We use high-quality materials and proven techniques to deliver patios that are both beautiful and built to last.

We’re not just about installation; we stand behind our work with a robust satisfaction guarantee. Our follow-up services, including seasonal maintenance checks and repairs, ensure your patio remains in top condition through the years.

Ready to transform your outdoor space? Contact Gerrior Masonry & Landscaping today to get started on your custom concrete patio project. Let us help you create a space that you and your family will enjoy for years to come.


Best Practices for Concrete Patio Installation: A Contractor’s Insight

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